The old advertising tools do not work nowadays – this is a statement that does not require any proof. Experts know that such blocks as Events, BTL, Promo, Digital are autonomously ineffective. To succeed in the fierce competition for the consumer requires the consolidation of disparate parts into a single unit. This process is called post-communication marketing. This is exactly the way Action advertising agency started and is still developing from the first days of its work. The head of the European company, Dmitry Bodrenko, an experienced marketer, knows very well that today you cannot surprise the consumer only with low prices or unique commercial offers. People are bombarded with a huge mass of information every day. In it is difficult to catch a really good offer. Therefore, success in the competitive war between brands comes to those who can surprise existing and potential customers with something fundamentally new. Innovation lies mainly in the field of psychology.
The human mind is capable of associative perception of advertising for no longer than six seconds are. For such a short period it is necessary to interest, surprise, shock the consumer with something bright, non-trivial. Such an approach, based on establishing an emotional connection, allows the brand to gain long-term support from the client, which a priori guarantees a winning position. It should be understood that most people today live in two realities. The virtual is inseparable from the reality outside the window. Marketers should by no means ignore the concept of both sides of the screen – life on both sides of the screen -. Those who plan to succeed should not forget the strategy of symbiosis of offline and online concepts. That is why the vector of Experiential Marketing, which is followed by Action Agency under the leadership of Dmitry Bodrenko, is the only right one. Innovative approaches based on the unique experience, emotional attachment, relevant offers not only make it possible to gain long-term customer loyalty, but also shape the ideology of society as a whole. Customer loyalty itself, as practice shows, plays an insignificant role in brand promotion and recognition. Another thing is psycho-emotional communication with the consumer, which is especially important in the era of information overload. It is no coincidence that Dmitry Bodrenko said in an interview that advertising today is not just a trade engine; it has social responsibility for people’s consciousness.
Marketing has huge possibilities for individualization of offers, formation of general concept of business development. Post-communication relations between brands and consumers are not only derived from the laws of the market, but also form them. It is encouraging that Action Company realizes the important social role of advertising and acts in the wake of advanced ideas put forward by the times.