Americans spend a third of their lives at work. That’s a pretty hefty amount of time to be spending somewhere that you may feel unhappy. Currently, in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, mass amounts of people are leaving behind their nine to five jobs in search of a more fulfilling life, whether it’s chasing their dream job or deciding to become a stay-at-home parent. This new attitude towards working has become known as the “Great Resignation.” The days of employees spending countless hours at a job that they hate may be coming to an end.
Another important factor to this “Great Resignation” is that people are leaving behind their horrible bosses. The power dynamics at work are shifting drastically as it used to be the employer that had all of the power but now employees are taking charge. Many recruiters are scrambling to find candidates that are not only qualified but also interested in the job. So, if you’ve got a company and you want to be the best boss and offer employees the best workplace environment they’ve had, read on.
What specific things should an employer offer their employees?
A hallmark of a desirable workplace starts with having an excellent boss. This doesn’t just mean a boss that generates high revenue but a boss who actually cares about their employees. Be the boos with empathy, consideration, and compassion. A good employer is an active listener, doesn’t interrupt, and can consider the other person’s perception in any situation. It’s necessary to build trust with your team so that they feel comfortable approaching you with new ideas or even constructive criticisms for the company in order for it to flourish and succeed. Active listening is a sure way to generate good communication and build trust among your team.
When working with remote employees, the employer or supervisor needs to consider the mental health of the workers and offer good communication skills to understand what is needed for everyone to perform the best they can while also not driving themselves into the ground. Considering how the workload can affect mental health needs to override the need for high sales numbers, especially after the mental toll workers faced during the pandemic.
Consider giving gifts to your staff.
We’re not talking about bribes or anything, but a thoughtful gift can completely change the office environment. Gifts for employees can range from gift cards with handwritten notes to a meaningful gift like a trip to a ski resort or sports tickets for your employee of the month. A little generosity can encourage a new team member to feel more comfortable in their new workspace and can retain a more long-term employee who may have a small desire to change careers.
Office morale between employers and coworkers should be at the top of all company’s lists to maintain. The hassle of having a high turnover due to unhappy employees is time-consuming and prevents a good business from becoming great. Good employee gifts are ones that they will genuinely use and appreciate, don’t simply buy the same gift for every employee in the office. Consider the individual when choosing the gift and give it some thought beforehand. For example, if you know that one of your employees is vegan, you could gift them a vegan subscription meal plan to help lighten their daily load after a busy day at work.
Working is inevitable for a lot of people, but we don’t need to hate our jobs nor do we need to hate our bosses. While there are many TV shows and films dedicated to how much the average individual hates being at work, we can also encourage companies to treat their employees with respect and consideration. Being a great leader who cares for their employees will have your recruiters bombarded with high-quality candidates wishing to work for you.