An essential part of any business is getting new customers, but this should not cause you to forget and neglect those who have already made a purchase or are already loyal to your brand.
Today, consumers are more informed and connected than ever (with each other and with brands) and that makes it easier for them to make decisions when buying. As a business, this represents a great challenge, since the competition is now greater and to achieve stand out it is necessary, among other things, to satisfy the expectations of the clients and win their trust.
So taking care of those who already know your value proposition, like it and even recommend you, is something that you cannot neglect. Therefore, we share some tips to achieve solid relationships with your clients.
Never Lose Contact with your Customers
Building a long-term, loyal relationship requires constant communication, and in the business world this is no different.After the first contacts with the client, it is necessary to maintain fluid and constant communication so that the relationship does not get cold.
Newsletters, new customer form template, posts on social networks, calls, WhatsApp messages, emails and other actions must be implemented. But be careful, do not bombard him with commercial information, because it is very likely that he will get tired of you and do not want to know more.
Nowadays, the communication channels that allow you to know more about your client (needs, opinions, tastes, etc.) and develop a long-term relationship are quite a lot, so don’t settle for a first contact or a first (and single) purchase. The effort you put into communication will depend on whether that person returns and becomes loyal.
Customize and Streamline Contact
Imagine the scene: you have a problem with the product or services you just bought, you call on the phone and hear a long menu spoken by a robot. Desperate and even annoying, right? Now, customers need to feel that they can contact you immediately to respond to their complaints.
Therefore, there are various options that make contact with customers more direct and personal. Social networks, applications, messages by WhatsApp, chat on the sales pages or even meetings by video call can be implemented. If you want to make your customer service as human as possible, you can also hire a customer service team from BPOs in the Philippines, they are experts in understanding and engaging with customers emotionally, providing excellent care. Adding a more personal and immediate touch to customer service shows that you really care.
Listen and Anticipate Problems
Anyone who does not know his clients suffers from a great disadvantage. Today, businesses must have communication mechanisms that allow them to know the opinion of their consumers as soon as possible in order to improve their experience.
It knows what your customers say about you. You can ask directly, review the comments on social networks, and do satisfaction surveys … whatever you consider best to know what you should improve and what your opportunities are.
Look for comments and measure reactions to find out about what they like and do not like about your business, product or service. This will help you to improve and change what does not benefit you.
Provide Immediate Answers
The quality that client’s value most is the speed and efficiency with which companies attend to their needs, so being aware of consumer demands to solve them will contribute to having a better relationship.And you don’t have to wait for the customer to demand something. For example, to make service more efficient you can incorporate frequent questions and answers on your internet pages or take tutorials that explain step by step how to use a product.
It is very positive that you share tips or advice on how to use or get the most out of the product or service you are selling.
A Happy Customer is your Best Promoter
Integrating customer service with the products and experiences they receive can be reflected in the growth of your business. And it is that keeping your consumers happy can be the most effective way to attract new customers: these, feeling valued and cared for, will not hesitate to recommend you, so they become your promoters.