To run a successful company, you have to promote your business brand and attract more customers. The end goal of all advertisements is to make a profit in one form or the other. Some forms of publicity help build a brand on a larger scale, resulting in more profit for the company, while some adverts are made to increase direct sales. These days, among other forms of advertisement, creative and eye-catching floor artworks have become increasingly popular. Continue reading this article to find out more about how floor designs can boost your sales.
Catchy Floor Designs: People enjoy street art all around the world; similarly, when people walk into the shopping malls and see beautiful artwork done on the floor, they appreciate the hard work that went into it. Many a time, digital graphic works are placed on the floor, attracting kids and adults alike. A smart move would be to incorporate a business logo or an exciting offer in the artwork so that people instantly recognize the company brand whenever they see it. Additionally, many people will share the floor graphics on their social media, which, in turn, will create more potential customers for the business.
- If you go into a mall and observe people, you’ll see most of them walking around the mall staring at their mobile phones in their hands. Now, people with smartphones in their hands tend to look downwards and not sideways. Shop owners have found an opportunity to monetize on this aspect. The physical posture of people helps make the floor advert visible to their eyes.
- It makes sense to put your advert directly on the floor, since most people are starting on the floor anyway. Many companies build a brand by designing beautiful floor graphics on the computer and replicating the outcome in different malls.
Optimize Retail Space: Suppose you run a store and want people to check out a different section of your large showroom. You’d naturally think of putting up an advert on a stand to direct people from one part of the store to another. But in order to put a stand, it requires retail space that could be used differently otherwise. Floor graphic designs are perfect when it comes to providing simple instruction to a group of people. The graphics let people know where to stand and from where to exit, and so on. You must have seen the floor graphics used in a store to guide people to a particular corner. These are so effective that institutions like schools and hospitals often use them to help people navigate.
- These graphics are used for welcoming guests at the doorway or in front of the bathroom.
- Nowadays, one can remind people of maintaining social distancing by putting logos or signs on the floor.
- Floor graphics are also utilized to let people know the safety protocol of a building. For example, in case of an emergency, one needs the direction to the staircase and so on.