It is often very cheap to borrow money from family or friends. However, this is often not wise. Problems with repayment can lead to irritations that do not benefit the friendship and/or family bond. Loaning money is therefore best done with a reliable lender. In the Netherlands you can for example opt for a persoonlijke lening, although there are more possibilities when getting a loan. It is advised to request a quote to discover what your options are. Regardless of which one you choose, it is advised to use the tips mentioned below when loaning money!
Transferring a loan can be cheaper
Taking out a loan often means entering into an obligation for several years. It is therefore possible that the loan was taken out at a high interest rate, while the current interest rate has fallen sharply. Or that you qualify for a lower interest rate because, for example, you have started to earn more. In that case, it may be advantageous to transfer the loan at a lower interest rate. You can request a quote to see whether refinancing is beneficial in your case.
Only loan money if it is sensible, necessary or profitable
Loaning money, costs money! In order to pay the interest and repayment of the loan, there must be income. For example, from a (permanent) employment. A part of your total income will therefore be used to repay the loan. It can take years for the loan to be repaid. Before taking out a loan, you will therefore have to think carefully about the total costs of the loan. It is wise to only borrow money if there is no other option or when the loan is used to generate money. For example, if you need a car as a condition to get a job.
Read the terms and conditions carefully
A loan seems like a simple financial product. But the terms that come with it can be very complicated to understand. The principle is simple. For each loan from the lender, a fee is paid in the form of interest. The debt, with the interest, must also be repaid within a certain time. Nothing more and nothing less. However, it is recommended that you carefully read the terms and conditions. If the conditions are not sufficiently clear, always ask for an explanation until it is clear!
Consider whether you are able to pay the monthly payments
If you expect changes in the future, keep this in mind when taking out the loan. Are you moving soon? Is there a real chance that you will become unemployed? Is there a child on the way? Will one of your children soon be studying? In all these situations, remember that with a loan you probably have less money to spend each month. You can take out insurance to cover the risk that you can no longer afford the monthly payments in the event of unemployment, incapacity for work or death. But even with insurance, you should think carefully about your future before you decide to loan.
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