A staggering population of women is affected by fibroids. Data from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services show that fibroids affect up to 80% of the female population by age 50. Dr. Ulas Bozdogan, a skilled endometriosis and fibroid specialist, says fibroids are not harmful but pose a potential threat to fertility and pregnancy. However, many women do not know the elusive signs of fibroids and thus cannot seek medical intervention. We educate you about the sneaky signs to watch out for and seek fibroids intervention.
What are uterine fibroids?
Uterine fibroids or just fibroids are benign growths in your uterus that may grow as single nodules or clusters. The clinical appearance of fibroids varies in size, location, and number in the uterus.
Different researches suggest varied etiological reasons for the development of fibroids. Many proposed reasons link fibroids to hormone fluctuations, diet, and genetic heredity factors.
Symptoms of fibroids
Fibroids usually have minor manifestations in the earlier stages. The location of the fibroids determines whether you will experience symptoms or not. The symptoms vary from woman to woman. However, some of the tell-tale signs are:
1. Prolonged periods
Prolonged heavy menses is the hallmark symptom of fibroids. Fibroids increase blood flow to the uterus and cause heavy flow. You may spot bleeding between the periods and need to change sanitary pads frequently. Most women don’t see prolonged periods as a cause for alarm. However, when you bleed for more than a week during your cycle, visit a fibroids specialist.
2. Frequent urge to urinate
Fibroids that grow in clusters push up on the bladder. Increased pressure on the urinary bladder causes you to feel the urge to urinate frequently despite taking in tiny amounts of water. The constant push to urinate indicates that fibroids are growing near your bladder. Treatment plans are available for urinary incontinence, primarily if it affects your daily routine.
3. Painful sex
Pain during penetrative sex is a sign of developing fibroids. Many reproductive complications cause painful sex, and it is imperative to visit a qualified fibroids specialist for accurate screening and correct diagnosis to establish whether you have fibroids.
4. Miscarriages
Fibroids are noncancerous growth on the endometrium lining. They may affect the chances of embryo implantation and hinder a successful pregnancy. A cluster of fibroids causes repetitive miscarriages, and you should seek fibroids evaluation if fibroids affect your chances of having a kid.
5. Pressure in your lower abdomen
The same fibroids that increase the urge to urinate add pressure to the lower belly, eliciting a “full” sensation. The menstrual cycle usually magnifies the pressure in your lower abdomen and manifests as painful cramps that cause significant discomfort. Sometimes, fibroids growing in large clusters may cause immense pelvic pain.
What You Can Do
The symptoms of fibroids sometimes masquerade as other reproductive complication signs. However, advanced diagnostic tests at the Advance Endometriosis Center pinpoint the location of uterine fibroids if you have them. If you have any of the above symptoms, visit Ulas Bozdogan, MD, at Advanced Endometriosis Center for a definitive diagnosis and an individualized treatment plan.