Driving women away from mainstream society and confining them to the four walls of their family life started ebbing with the Indian renaissance. It is with the initiative of eminent personalities like Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar that women’s education gained a forefront among the other social objectives. Since then, women’s education in India has been transforming towards building an educated population for a brighter future for the country.
Liberation of the women from the stereotypical in-house traditions
Gone are the times when women were simply expected to pack lunch for their husbands and their children and stay home to manage their household chores. Today, women are seeking higher education and good career opportunities. They are also raising awareness about their right and need to seek education. Women are much more capable than serving their families. Now the women envision themselves as achievers not within the confines of their homes but in the outer world where they could work in parity with their male counterparts and build their own identity. Women are working hard to shattering glass ceilings and how.
Eradication of irrational myths
Many people still hold regressive beliefs such as that educating women will invite misfortunes in the lives of their families. Many people believe women get “too modern” and “too independent” if educated. However, with the educational campaigns launched by the government and many non-profit organisations, financial incentive-driven offers for parents of the girl child, education is gradually becoming a priority for rural girls and women too. As a result, a large number of girls in the villages are receiving education and many of them clear board examinations with flying colours and as state toppers. It shows that the more the number of educated women in the country, the brighter will be the future of India.
Creating corporate leaders out of women to lead global companies
Till a decade ago, women were largely limited and defined by their expertise at household—the epitome of a perfect wife, mother, and daughter-in-law. But with more and more women empowerment programmes, initiatives towards providing education and financial opportunities to women from all walks of life their position in society is changing. Today, women are ambitious, driven, and are more aware of their own rights. It is evident with the increasing number of female professionals holding the top corporate leadership positions in multinational companies in India. It is not just the basic literacy, but rather the proficiency in business management that is making the women eligible for getting classed among the topmost corporate leaders in global companies.
An increasing number of renowned women scholars
Education is a support system that not only increases the self-esteem of individuals but also helps them picture themselves in a broader spectrum of life. The brightest examples are the women scholars of Indian origin, who are known both nationally and internationally.
Gita Gopinath is the first Indian woman to get the position of chief economist at International Monetary Fund (IMF). She completed her education at Harvard University and is currently celebrated as the second Indian after Amartya Sen to get a permanent membership at the economics department of Harvard University. Indra Nooyi, the former CEO of PepsiCo, has been ranked as one of the 100 most powerful women in the world. She is also an Indian woman whose talent and knowledge have fetched her the award of being one of the best CEOs in the world and the holder of the Global Indian award 2019.
Bulldozing of the age-old patriarchal domination
Education and literacy of Indian women are one of those tools that can bridge the gender gap created by the age-old orthodox patriarchal beliefs. The tendency to deprive women of their rights by the dominance of patriarchy is beginning to get eradicated from society as women are getting more academically engaged.
Women gaining fame for their talent and knowledge
Starting from Indian political leaders like Indira Gandhi who was associated with the Oxford University to Kalpana Chawla who was the first Indian woman to reach space as a mission specialist and the primary robotic arm operator, India has seen many women who have brought accolades to the country.
It is because of the numerous efforts towards women education in India that the Indian society is slowly gravitating towards building a nation that is more inclusive and diverse. The government and society need to put in place more women-friendly policies. Whether it is more educational programmes, safety measures, or bathrooms for female students, we need more from everyone to collaborate for the women to do well and thereby for the curry to find its full potential to succeed as a whole.