Plant-based foods and alternative meat substitutes have become very popular over the last few years. There was an increase in sales of the plant based seafood after the pandemic. It has seen massive growth among non-vegan and non-vegetarian customers. Customers around the globe are replacing meat with plant-based food for a variety of reasons. Environmental, ethical and health concerns are the biggest factors contributing to the trend. Here are some of the factors for the intake of plant-based foods:
Environmental Impact:
The environmentalist claims that large quantities of animals like cows, sheep, and goats produce methane. Their methane production is 34 times more potent than carbon dioxide. Protecting the animal helps in deforestation. Recent climatic changes have made the customers switch from meat to plant-based products. The customer finds it easier to maintain their diet and to put the ethical dilemmas to rest.
Taste and Texture:
The taste and texture of the plant-based food have made the customers seek it as their alternative. It has a taste of common fish flavor. It can be in the form of smoked, canned and raw form. Some manufacturers use a mix of pea and soy protein to balance the taste. While cooking, plant-based products add a protein base to give good flavor and texture. Choosing the right protein base is the first step toward creating a pleasurable taste.
Effects of Antibiotics:
The growth hormones and antibiotics in animals have affected the health of human beings. The small number of extra hormones in the animal can affect the human for a long period. These antibiotics can cause early puberty in children. It’s better to avoid the risk of growth hormones and antibiotics. Customers always choose safe products for a healthy life, so they have adopted plant-based sea foods.
Market Applications for Seafood:
The seafood life is often longer than the traditional fish products. They are available in various tastes, which excite and intrigue customers. There are lots of opportunities to develop dishes by inspiring the global cuisine. Sea foods are very popular and they are available in the daily market. They are cooked with red and green curry, sweet and sour flavors, and some spicy ingredients.
Free from Cholesterol:
Heart disease has become more common because of high cholesterol. Cholesterol is more elevated in animal products such as meat, poultry, dairy products, and eggs. Plant based seafood is completely free from cholesterol. This is a major thing to consider that plant-based foods are healthier than meat.
Availability in Restaurants:
Sea foods have become more common in recent times and they are available in most restaurants, including the fast food industry. They will provide you with a meat substitute to try on your meals before committing you to buy a whole meal of sea-based food.
Final Thoughts:
People reevaluate their priorities based on the environmental impact and health, and they have become more conscious about their diet. It’s better to choose sea-based food to have good health. You can experience new foods and recipes in plant-based items.