LunaOne‘s hyper-real virtual environment is open to the public for shopping, entertainment, employment, and other forms of interaction.
The feasibility of LunaOne’s metaverse ecosystem has a direct link with the performance of the XLN coin, which is already available for pre-sale on the project’s website. Furthermore, an essential part of LunaOne’s new digital universe consists of non-fungible (NFT) assets.
The new generation platform’s open-world design lets you do far more than simply play games. Let us analyze more details on this project in the following sections.
True Decentralization Using LunaOne’s Methodology
Decentralization is the goal of LunaOne, a blockchain platform. LunaOne’s voice, text, and data services will be provided through a decentralized network. If you hold LunaOne’s governance token, you may participate in platform development as a DAO member.
According to LunaOne, a functional metaverse cannot exist unless there are proper communication channels. No central authority is required for their communication system, which may work both online and offline.
The team developed a decentralized file storage (DFS) system to get rid of any lingering centralization. This technology allows an enhanced data transfer service on LunaOne.
Expanded Hyper-Realistic World
The system collaborates with virtual and augmented reality companies to create wearable gear for the project. These LunaOne-branded equipment allow for a complete immersion into the virtual world.
Thanks to new technologies, individuals may now immerse themselves in the virtual world as if it were happening right in front of them. In order to monitor other people’s facial expressions, the LunaOne kit contains face-tracking technology.
The Realization of a Decentralized Life
You can have a virtual home in one of LunaOne’s districts. In the same way that avatar-like NFTs are separate, the attributes of various NFT kinds and classes will be independent NFTs.
Homeowners can participate in quests, invite visitors, and plan festivities. LunaOne members may attend concerts and seminars without the need of third-party service providers.
Providing Mainstream Access to LunaOne’s Metaverse
The LunaOne ecosystem supports different gaming platforms. In the future, VR/AR environments like LunaOne will be more compatible with other games and VR media.
In addition, LunaOne’s developers are working on a mobile phone compatibility layer.
Steam, Xbox Live, and the Playstation Network have millions of monthly users. LunaOne’s ability to serve many people makes it a fascinating new concept.
One of the Greatest Teams Out There
This elite blockchain team includes many former Fortune 500 executives. To help the team realize its aim of establishing a decentralized society, LunaOne is looking for the best and brightest in the industry.
Long-term decentralization and the development of virtual society technologies are at the heart of LunaOne’s aim.